首页 arrow 主题旅游 arrow 季节性旅游 arrow 二月樱花美哭了 温哥华最美赏樱地   加西网: westca.com | 网站大陆访问入口: 88tours.com

(加西网报道)加拿大的东部大部分地区正在被一个被叫做“Texas Low”的低气压带覆盖,给安大略省、魁北克省和东部大西洋省份带来降雪、雨和冻雨,而首都渥太华更将迎来5到10公分的降雪。。。。

在多伦多西面,包括Kitchener、Cambridge 以及 Waterloo 等地区还将有冰雨、湿雪、冰粒、雨夹雪已经强风大雨等恶劣天气。




大温地区温度再次高于季节性平均气温,大约10℃至11 ℃。  





从分布上讲,伊丽莎白女王公园、Stanley Park, UBC、Nitobe Garden、Burnaby Mountain Park、Granville Island等地方以及西区的一些街道,都分布着许多不同品种的樱花树。


1. West 22nd Avenue
Location: Along eight consecutive city blocks of West 22nd Avenue from Arbutus Street to Carnavon Street.

2. Burrard Station (SkyTrain)
Location: Art Phillips Park at Burrard SkyTrain Station in downtown Vancouver.

3. West 16th Avenue (Burrard)
Location: Along five consecutive city blocks of West 16th Avenue from Maple Street to Granville Street.

4. West 7th Avenue (Fairview)
Location: A canopy of Kanzans stretching seven city blocks in the Fairview neighbourhood (West Broadway Corridor) from Hemlock Street to Heather Street.

5. Granville Plaza (Downtown)
Location: A cluster of pink at 200 Granville Street (The public plaza outside the West building entrance to Waterfront Station; at the foot of Granville Street and West Cordova, above the parkade).

6. Akali Singh Sikh Temple
Location: Along two consecutive city blocks of East 3rd Avenue from Rupert Street to Skeena Street. Looking east from Rupert Street, the cherry blossom trees perfectly frame the Sikh Temple at East 3rd Avenue and Skeena Street.

7. Lower Mall (UBC)
Location: Along one city block of the Lower Mall from Vanier Place to University Boulevard.

8. Nelson Street (West End)
Location: Along two city blocks of Nelson Street: from Broughton Street to Jervis Street and Bidwell Street to Cardero Street.

9. Graveley Street (Renfrew)
Location: Along one city block of Graveley Street from Lillooet Street to Windermere Street.

10. West 59th Avenue (Granville)

Location: Along two city blocks of West 59th Avenue from Angus Drive to Granville Street.11. West 39th Avenue (Cambie)Location: Along a five city block stretch of West 39th Avenue from Willow Street to Cambie Street.

11. West 39th Avenue (Cambie)
Location: Along a five city block stretch of West 39th Avenue from Willow Street to Cambie Street.

12. West 64th Avenue (Cambie)
Location: Along one city block of West 64th Avenue from Ash Street to Heather Street.

13. East 50th Avenue (Main)
Location: Along a six city block stretch of East 50th Avenue from Ontario Street to Fraser Street.

14. Austrey Avenue (Joyce)
Location: Along one block of Austrey Avenue from McHardy Street, near Joyce-Collingwood Station.

15. Stanley Park
Location: Clusters of blooming trees are at several locations in Stanley Park: near the Rose Garden, the pathways leading to the Japanese War Memorial, and around the eastern edge of Lost Lagoon.

16. Queen Elizabeth Park
Location: Clusters of pink can be found around the park, including the park entrance at West 33rd Avenue.

17. Granville Island
Location: Along the eastern edge of the Granville Island seawall at False Creek.
Image: JakeInVan via Flickr

18. Wycliffe Road (UBC)
Location: Along one city block of Wycliffe Road from Allison Road to Acadia Road.

19. Regent College (UBC)
Location: Approximately 60 young trees are planted around the perimeter of the building, located at 5800 University Boulevard (the intersection of University Boulevard and Wesbrook Mall).

20. Killarney
Location: Along one city block of East 48th Avenue from Killarney Street to Vivian Street and a two city block stretch of East 46th Avenue from Kerr Street to Doman Street.

21. Yukon Street (Langara)
Location: Along three city blocks of Yukon Street from West 59th Avenue to West 62nd Avenue – on the west side of Winona Park and just south of the Langara Golf Course.




绵延1.5公里的李花@Arbutus Ridge

如果你找老温哥华人推荐一个温哥华最佳的赏李花地点,十个里应该有八个人推荐『West 22nd Ave』吧!从Arbutus Street到Puget Drive之间的1.5公里,数百棵紫叶和红叶李花夹道列伫。

惠空樱 (Whitecomb):惠空樱(whitcomb)是最早绽放的樱花品种之一。名称取自美国西雅图的园 艺家David Whitcomb (1879-1966),纪念他独具慧眼,培育出这样美丽的品种。树形如伞,属于小彼岸樱,花形不大,单瓣,初开花时颜色呈深桃红,一如台湾的寒绯樱,花 开晚期则转为偏白的粉红。



Richmond/ Alexandra街夹Hazelbriadge街

Grandview-Woodland – McSpadden Park at 5th Ave and Victoria Drive

Mt Pleasant –15th Ave and Sophia

Oakridge – Tisdall Park, Ash and 49th Ave

褒奖樱 (Accolade):意思是“嘉奖、表扬”的意思。樱花如果被以此命名,不难想见花容如何娇艳,受人喜爱。


Hastings-Sunrise – East 5th Ave: Noorka to Lillooet

Kensington-Cedar Cottage – Dumfries: 32nd to 33rd Ave

Kerrisdale – 50th Ave from MArine Crescent to MacDonald


染井吉野樱 (Yoshino cherry):一般俗称吉野樱的染井吉野樱(Somei-Yoshino),又名“东京吉野樱”。刚开花的时候是澹澹的粉红,等到花朵长成,粉红褪去,花瓣几近纯白。


3、哪里可以看到 染井吉野樱?

South Cambie – Douglas Park, Willow at West 20th Ave

UBC -- Along 2000 block of UBC Lower Mall

Victoria-Fraserview — East 41st Ave: Nanaimo to Gladstone

美国曙樱 (Akebono):温哥华市被南北纵贯的Ontario Street隔开成唡个大区:温哥华西区以及温哥华东区。就在Ontario Street旁的Manitoba Street也是赏樱的一级战区。


Hastings-Sunrise — Graveley: Lillooet to Windermere

Riley Park — Manitoba : 39th Ave to 41st Ave

白妙樱 (Shirotae):温哥华初期的樱花,诸如慧空樱、褒奖樱、美国曙樱等大多属于粉红色系的品种。即便是盛开时花瓣颜色转为正白的染井吉野樱,远远看去也是呈澹澹的桃红 色。这些花美则美矣,但总是同一个色系 — 试想,在奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼的星光大道上,如果所有女星的礼服有的低胸有的露腿,款式变化万千,但一律都是粉红色,差别只有深浅不同 — 这会是多单调无趣的光景!


Fairview — Laurel, West 10th AVe to West 12th Ave

Kitsilano — West 1st Ave: Burrard to Cypress

UBC -- University Blve and Western Pkwy at Regent College

West End/Stanley Park — Stanley Park Japanese Monument pathway

高砂樱 (Takasago):高砂 (Takasago)这个名词,乍看之下非常日本味,但是如果上网搜寻,得到最多的结果会是:高砂国。高砂族。高砂义勇军。高砂市。高砂樱。


Arbutus Ridge — West 31st Ave,McDonald to Trafalgar

Dunbar/Southland – West 38th Ave, Blenheim to Wallace

Victoria/Fraserview — Vivian at East 50th Ave

太白樱 (Tai Haku):就字面的意思来看,『太白樱』(Tai Haku)有唡种含意:以诗仙李白来命名的樱花;或是花朵颜色太过洁白的樱花。以日本人对李白的才情崇敬非常的心态,猜想应该是第一个答桉吧!


Dunbar-Southland — West 39th Ave: Blenheim to Dunbar

Kerrisdale — Balsam: West 41st Ave to West 43rd Ave

West Point Grey — West 16th Ave: Dunbar to Crown

红枝垂樱 (Yae-beni-shidare):垂坠性的树木,诸如杨树、柳树,长长的枝桠如帘幕般从天落,微风中飘动如少女摆腰生姿,万种风情,何止浪漫而已。如果枝头上缀以花朵……. 只能用“花不迷人人自迷”来形容了。


Shaughnessy — VanDusen Botanical Garden

Kerrisdale — 54th Ave and West Blvd.

海猫樱 (Umineko):每次想到或是看到海猫樱(Umineko)的时候,脑海里的点唱机立刻点播台语歌曲“快乐的出航”:


Marpole — Oak West Side: 70th Ave to 71st Ave

Riley Park — QE Park by NE: Duck Pond

御车返樱 (Mikuruma-gaeshi):御车返樱名称的由来大抵就是第二个答桉的翻版,只不过回头看的是皇室的人(一说是某个日本天皇),被看的就是Mikuruma-gaeshi 这款樱花。


Marpole — West 63rd Ave: Ash to Heather

West End/Stanley Park — Penderll: Thurlow to Chilco

大岛樱 (Oshima):大岛樱(Oshima Cherry),就是来自伊豆。据绿色文化林圣哲老师的说法,大岛樱是吉野樱的亲戚,原生种生长在日本关东以南的房总半岛与伊豆半岛的海岸地区。因为是海 岸地带的品种,因此树木结实,颇能防风;日本人也将大岛樱的嫩叶腌渍后,作为樱饼或是麻糬的材料。


Kitsilano — Kitsilano Beach Park, east side

第三梯次(从四月中旬到五月初) 此阶段开的花种最精采,大多都是有十到十二瓣的重瓣花种,白色、黄色和各种深浅不一的粉红

关山樱 (Kwanzan Cherry):当看到温哥华处处红霞满天,行路夹道火红的关山樱冶艳地燃烧生命,你就知道樱花季节已走入尾声。这款号称八重樱之典型代表的樱花,因为植株抵抗力犟,不易受病虫害,且适应环境的能力颇佳,因此温哥华市府公园处广植此树 — 从温西到温东,几乎每走两条街就可看到此花的踪影。


Fairview/Mount Pleasant — 7th Ave: Hemlock to Main

Fairview — Sutcliffe Park, Granville Island

Kensington-Cedar Cottage — East 29th Ave and Ross

Renfrew-Collingwood — East 22nd Ave: Windermere to Rupter Street 



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