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木屋与美景-Marriott Meadows游 打印
木屋与美景-Marriott Meadows游
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Marriott Meadows:

Round trip: 14Km+2*(1 or 2)km
Elevation gain: 400m+200m?
High point: 1740m


Take highway 99 to Pemberton. Set your odometer to '0' at the Petro Canada station and head east through Mt. Currie and on to the Duffy Lake Road. Drive past Joffre Lakes to 33 km. The turn off is on your left. The gravel road is 2 km long to the trailhead. You will probably need a 4x4 or something with good ground clearance if you want to drive all the way. Otherwise, park your car in the pull out on the left at about 1 km.

以下是位于Wendy Thompson Hut 木屋的介绍:

Marriott Basin: This is beautiful, well made ACC hut set in a Gorgeous basin. There is lots og gentle hiking terrain around the hut, making it suitable for several days of rambling. reservations are mandatory; call Eric Viso 604 902 1772. Amenities: comfy chairs, pots,utensils, plates.Acess to the Kerosene heater and gas stove can be obtained when making a reservation, sleeping 16-24 fee:Non members: $12/person/night






 第一天穿过Marriott Meadows,到达Wendy Thompson木屋后即腐败了一顿,吃饱喝足后向Marriott Mount进发,在雪地乱石中行到二千余米的地方折返,八点左右回到木屋,再吃再喝,此时已有一号懒人Bronton决定第二天哪也不去就赖在木屋,当下得到众懒人的声援,第二天的原计划就此被扰黄 第一天在随后的短暂卧谈会中结束。







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