黄石公园是美国建立最早(1872年)、规模最大(占地8956平方公里)的,也是世界最大的国家公园。它位于怀俄明、蒙大拿和爱达荷三州交界处,因公园内的黄石河两旁峡壁呈黄色,故名黄石公园。园内幽美湖泊,急湍河流,火山形成悬崖遍布,令你目不暇给,各种奇异及颜色鲜艳的喷泉及温泉,更有雪白如霜的石灰梯田,使你叹为观止。 黄石公园最独特的景观是被称为世界奇观的间歇喷泉,亦被誉为全世界最大之天然喷泉区。进入园区远远就能看到白色的蒸汽像云一样上升,有点“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的味道。一路上间歇泉的泉眼呲呲作响,翻着水花,配上上升的白色水蒸气,仿佛像刚刚放过枪的枪口。全园有间歇喷泉300多处,占全世界此类喷泉的一半以上。这里最有名的是old faithful erupts(意译“老忠实”)喷泉,但见泉眼内之热水间歇性地不断向高空中喷发百余尺的水柱。喷泉每天喷射21-23次,大约平均每小时喷发一次,每次持续五分钟左右。每次喷发时能把7500至1.2万加仑的滚热泉水抛向高空,水柱高达55米,热水在空中遇冷气时即凝结成白色云柱,十分壮观。黄石公园还有众多的色彩斑斓的热水池,由于池壁、池岸长年累月为岩泉冲浸而形成色彩丰富的一幅幅动人的天然彩画,最美丽壮观的是Mommouth hot Springs。这个热泉流经的乳岩有白、黄、绿、青兰等不同颜色,美艳迷人。
Grand Geyser (可以喷到60米的大喷泉)
Morning Glory Pool (温泉)
Grotto Geyser 的喷泉口
官方网站:http://www.yellowstonenationalpark.com/ |
发表自 游客 于 2006-12-18 22:00:14 | 发表自 游客 于 2007-06-01 18:55:45 Denver- Yellowstone- gland canyon Travel Plans: 1. (Dep. 8-14 11:30 AM) Budget-Denver International Airport 24050 E 78th Ave, Denver, CO 80249 2. (Arrive 8-14 12:00AM) Costco Denver 5195 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada, CO 80002 (Dep. 8-14 1:00 PM) 3. (Arrive 8-14 6:40 PM) Arches national Park • Drive to the Windows Section and see some of the park's largest arches. (Add one-half hour to stroll beneath either North Window or Double Arch.). • Alternatively, drive to the Delicate Arch Viewpoint and see the world's most famous arch, a mile distant. Stop at Wolfe Ranch on your way back and imagine what it would have been like to homestead this relatively barren area in the late 1800s. • If you have 3 hours Do both of the above! • If you have 4.5 hours Drive all of the paved park roads, spending ten minutes at each viewpoint, and be sure to visit the Windows Section, Wolfe Ranch and the Delicate Arch Viewpoint. From the visitor center, the highway climbs several switchbacks while presenting views of Moab Canyon and adjacent cliffs. Major points of interest along the first half of the road include Park Avenue (Late Afternoon) and Balanced Rock. From Balanced Rock, a paved road leads to the Windows Section of the Park. This area features the Cove of Caves, Parade of Elephants, Turret Arch (Early Morning), the North and South Window Arches, and the fabulous Double Arch. While the arches are visible from the road, they are best viewed from the short walking trails leading from the parking areas. Beyond Balanced Rock, the main park road continues to the road leading to the Delicate Arch trailhead and historic Wolfe Ranch. From the Delicate Arch turnoff, the Park road travels past Fiery Furnace and Skyline Arch to end at the Devils Garden trailhead. Landscape Arch, an incredibly long and slender span, is an easy 1 mile stroll from the trailhead. Early Morning Late Afternoon Moab Fault Park Avenue The Three Gossips Courthouse Towers Sheep Rock Petrified Dunes The Great Wall Balanced Rock Turret Arch The Garden of Eden The Spectacles North and South Windows Double Arch Delicate Arch Cache Valley Fiery Furnace Wolfe Ranch Skyline Arch Landscape Arch Fins in Devils Garden Double O Arch Tower Arch First day is very important try to go to Denver as early as possible, and take a little time to get food and water. 4. (Arrive 8-14 12:30 PM) Apache Motel 166 S 400 E, Moab, UT 84532 (go to sleep) (Dep. 8-15 7:30 AM). This motel is good even with 2 family. 5. Grand Canyon south • (Arrive 8-15 4:30 PM) First stop will be Desert View (Get the info of sunset and sunrise, time and place to see!!!) • Tusayan Ruin and Museum (10 minutes) • Lipan Point - Excellent view of the Unkar Creek area • Grandview Point - Excellent view of Horseshoe Mesa • Mather Point • Yavapai Observation Station set right on the rim of the canyon, and a good place for a panoramic view or to watch a sunset. ((For the total Canyon experience leave your car at Yavapai Point. If car can be park? if yes, see sunset; if not go to Yavapai lodge then go to Yavapai Point by shuttle or walk). • (Arrive 8-15 8:30 PM) Spend the night in Yavapai lodge. (Pick up Walking Tour Brochure and other information at any lodge transportation desk) (Dep 8-16 5:30 AM) • (Arrive 8-16 6:30 AM) shuttle to Yaki Point - Excellent views of the whole Canyon in general, especially Cedar Ridge and the South Kaibab Trail and Zoroaster Temple. This is a great place to watch sunrise. • Get breakfast (around 10:30AM?), Tour the Visitor Center at Canyon View Information Plaza (take the shuttle or walk), or Mather Point, if there was not enough time to see it yesterday. • Check out and drive to Maswik Lodge. • Take Hermits Rest motorcoach tour (3 hrs). It's 8 miles from Grand Canyon Village to Hermit's Rest, named for hermit Louis Boucher who lived nearby for 21 years. You can hike or take the shuttle. Along the way, there are many excellent. At the end of the road you will find restrooms, a gift shop and drinking water. Be sure to stop at Hopi House, an unusual building designed after structures in a Hopi village that now displays and sells Native American arts and crafts, and at Lookout Studio and Kolb Studio. o Hopi House, El Tovar Hotel, bright angel lodge, Lookout Studio and Kolb Studio. •(Pick up a souvenir poster and get helpful advice from the rangers. Ranger-led programs and hikes are a highly recommended way to get the most of your canyon visit) o The Inner Canyon From the Bright Angel (option: begin before 12:00, go back before 2:00) o Maricopa Point - Good views of Bright Angel Canyon. o Powell Point has a memorial to river runner John Wesley Powell and a view of Orphan Mine o Hopi Point - Great views of various temples and buttes in the canyon o Pima viewpoints o The Abyss - Good place to see some very steep walls (the Great Mojave, Tonto Platform). o Mohave Point - Great spot to watch sunrise/sunset. (Final to this place to see sunset, attention to time!!!) • Go back to Maswik Lodge till tomorrow. (Dep 8-17 7:30 AM) 6. North Rim Sights The extraordinary beauty of the Grand Canyon stirred poetic expression in the Paiutes, who called the North Rim plateau Kaibab, or "Mountain Lying Down." They also named other plateaus of the North Rim: Kanab, meaning "Willow," Uinkaret, or "Place of Pines" and Shivwits, meaning "Whitish Earth" or "Coyote Springs." The four plateaus run along the North Rim offering a breathtaking array of sights, a range of geologic features and miles of rugged territory to explore. • Vista Encantadora overlook, for another impressive view of the Painted Desert to the east. • Walhalla Overlook (Just before reaching Cape Royal) for a good view of the Unkar Creek area below and to visit the Anasazi ruins located nearby. • (Arrive 8-17 3:00 pM) Cape Royal: half-mile trail to view the Angel's Window, which provides stunning vistas of the canyon and the Colorado River, and then proceed to the tip of Cape Royal. Cliff Springs Trail to Cliff Spring and back, a 2 mile round-trip with Anasazi indians’s granary. • (Arrive 8-17 4:30 pM) Point Imperial, 11 miles from Grand Canyon Lodge, is the highest point on either rim. See Mount Hayden, Saddle Mountain and a beautiful view of eastern Grand Canyon National Park. • (Arrive 8-17 5:10 pM) Bright Angel Point (See sunset here): 0.5 mile trail out from Grand Canyon Lodge. Try Transept Trail. veranda of the Grand Canyon Lodge is a nice place to simply sit back and relax and an awesome spot from which to watch sunrise or sunset. • To Kaibab Lodge till tomorrow (Dep 8-18 8:00 AM) 7. Zion NP (Arrive 8-18 11:00 AM) • Zion Narrows: BOTTOM-UP. The best way for first-time river hikers and those with only a short time in the Park. You can hike in as far you would like and turn back at any time. From the parking lot, it is usually only 2-3 hours into the section of Narrows known as Wall Street. Return hikers find it takes 2/3 the time to hike back as it did to hike in. Average hikers travel 3-4 miles up canyon and then 3-4 miles back. Bottom-Up hikers are only permitted to hike as far North as Big Springs. Accessible almost all year. Starting point is the Temple of Sinawava. A 45 minute shuttle ride from the Visitor Center needs to be expected April through October. • Zion Park Scenic Byway (U-9): (Dep 8-18 4:20 pM) from visit center, just passed tunnel will find Canyon Overlook Trail; Checkerboard Mesa (in the right when left park), East Entrance 8. Highway 12 All American Road and Red Canyon • Drive from Zion to Bryce Canyon NP, you will pass Red Canyon. It's just some miles before BC NP entrance. Not really a park, just the typical RED rock. Make sure, you arrive or pass this Canyon at approx. 1-2 hours before sunset - the colors are incredible! 9. Bryce Canyon • (Arrive 8-18 6:40 pM) to see sunset • After have a rest in lodge, Special activities unique to Bryce Canyon include "star talks" during the new moon and moonlight walks when the moon is full. • Go back to Bryce Canyon Lodge till tomorrow (inquire time for sunrise) • (Dep 8-19 morning ) Rim Trail 1 mi 15-20 min Easy Sunset and Sunrise Points; Navajo Loop 1.3 mi 15-30 min Moderate Rock formations/hoodoos • The Dancing Tree: The exposed roots tell the story of the eroding canyon, always in the process of being created. The tree sits overlooking the main amphitheater at Bryce. • Thor's Hammer: Thor's Hammer is viewed right along the trail that goes down into the main amphitheater. The large rock formations look like they are people, frozen in time. • Main Amphitheater at Bryce: Overlooking the main amphitheater is Thor's Hammer and the rest of the wonderful formations. Bryce is a fun place because you feel like you are part of the canyon. • Antelope: On the flats just before getting to Bryce, I often see herds of Antelope. These animals are quick and shy, so I always find it a treat when I see them. • Historic Panguitch 10. South Salt Lake • (Arrive 8-19 5:00 pM) Costco (S300W) • (Arrive 8-19 6:10 pM) Chinese Restaurant (2 hours) Chinese restrautn is cheap but difficult to find. • (Arrive 8-19 8:10 pM) 50 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84103 (1 hour) • Homestead Studio Suites Salt Lake 1220 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84106 sleep. This studio is very good with everything you need to make dinner. 10. Yellow Stone • (Arrive 8-20 2:15 PM) City Center Motel (30 minutes) • (Arrive 8-20 3:50 PM) Mammoth Hot Springs (3 hours) o drive to the one way, Upper Terrace Drive stop at the Main Terrace Overlook and take the trail on the far right to Canary Spring o Walk low Terrace • If have time to North Entrance (Yellowstone) (15 minutes) • Go back to City Center Motel to have a rest. • (Arrive 8-21 9:50 AM) Lower Geyser Basin begin Fountain Paint Pot Trail (1hr) • MIDWAY GEYSER BASIN • BLACK SAND BASIN • (Arrive 8-21 11:30 AM) Old Faithful and The Upper Geyser Basin (More seat, more popular) o Go to Old Faithful Visitor Center to get schedule. Note: An interpretive pamphlet about the Upper Geyser Basin may be borrowed and returned to the trailhead at no charge o Walk to the bench near Plume geyser on Geyser Hill to see Doublet Pool and Old Faithful. If there are no people walking on the boardwalk, sit on the bench in front of the pool and you may feel thumping as steam bubbles collapse deep in the pool. o Beauty and Chromatic pools o Giant Geyser o Grand geyser o moon morning pool o OLD FAITHFUL INN • Bridge Bay Amphitheater (30min) • Around 8-21 5:30 PM Drive to West Thumb to see sunset • Go back to City Center Motel to have a rest. • (Arrive 8-22 9:00 AM)NORRIS GEYSER BASIN It is the hottest thermal area in the park. Take Porcelain Terrace overlook trail. To get to this trail go through the museum, start down the hill and take the loop trail to the right. Take Back Basin trail. Cistern spring and the other pools and geysers are well worth seeing. • (Arrive 8-22 10:00 AM) Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone Clear Lake/Lily Pad Lake Loop: 5 to 6 miles round trip The trail is shown on the Grand Canyon Pamphlet available at Visitor Center. starting points for this loop trail is located on the south side of the canyon along the South Rim Drive. I recommend taking the loop in the counter-clockwise direction. It starts at the trailhead just across the road from the parking area for Uncle Tom's Trail, then follow Clear Lake trail to Clear Lake, past some interesting mudpots and then to a junction that leads past Lily Pad lake and onto the South Rim Trail. Once the South Rim Trail is reached, just follow it up stream until you reach your car. Along the way you will see the most spectacular portion of the canyon, including the Lower Falls. Must-see lookout is at Artist Point • Tower Fall (1 hour) • If have time go to Lamar Valley • Go to Roosevelt Lodge sleep (Dep 8-23 8:00 AM) • Fishing Bridge Visitor Center (1 hour) 11. Grand Teton National Park • (Arrive 8-23 10:00 AM) Colter Bay Village and Visitor Center • Willow Flats Stop at the Willow Flats Turnout, for a view of an extensive freshwater marsh that provides excellent habitat for birds, beavers and moose. Jackson Lake and the Teton Range form the backdrop. (Jackson Lake Lodge: Lunchtree Hill 0.5mile/ 0.5h, Easy. Short trail with interpretive signs leads to the top of hill overlooking Willow Flats and Teton Range) • Drive to the Oxbow Bend Scenic Overlook, provides a classic view of Mount Moran • Stop at Jackson Lake Dam • Chapel of the Sacred Heart, Signal Mountain Lodge • Jackson Point overlook on Signal Mountain is the most impressive highlight, with its panaromic views of the Teton Range, Jackson Lake, and Jackson Hole's glaciated landscape, the Snake River drainage, and the Pitchstone Plateau. • Stop at Cathedral Group Turnout. • Stop at Teton Glacier Turnout for a close-in view of the three Tetons. From north to south, in the right is Grand Teton (the highest point in the range); Middle and South Tetons. • Menor's Ferry and the Chapel of the Transfiguration - The Menor's Ferry Trail, less than 1/2-mile long, affords a look at homesteading and pioneer life in Jackson Hole. Bill Menor's cabin and view a replica of the ferry that crossed the Snake River at the turn of the century. The altar window of the Chapel of theTransfiguration frames the tallest Teton peaks. • (Arrive 8-23 3:10 pm.) Jackson town(1 hour) elk antler arches, the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar, Jackson Drug and its old-time soda fountain, the Wort Hotel and its Silver Dollar Bar • (Arrive 8-23 5:40 pm.) Teton Court Motel (123 East Magnolia Street Pinedale, Wyoming 82941 T: 307 367-4317; Or 877 841-4099; Confirmation Number: 1579 (This motel is not good, try to find another. We have ordered ahead of 2months. When we arrived there, they told that they have changed our room from a big one to a small one and the same price. We refuse this change. We can not find room in this town, and then have to go to next town. This town’s motel is expensive, it’s better to stay in Jackson town and start early morning tomorrow, or go to next town) o View Lakeside Lodge Resort & Marina (99 Fremont Lake Pinedale, WY 82941) 12. (Arrive 8-24 1:02 pm) Dinosaur National Monument (2 hours) 13. (Arrive 8-24 6:00 pm) Craig Motel (894 Yampa Avenue Craig, CO 81625 Tel: 970 824-4491 Confirmation Number: 50167) (Inquire about how long does it take to Denvor, if we pass Rocky Mountain National Park) 14. (Arrive 8-25 11:00 AM) Rocky Mountain National Park (4 hours) 15. (Arrive 8-25 7:00 pm) Ho King Chinese Restaurant (8919 Washington St Denver, CO 80229) Golden Gate (11932 Washington St Denver, CO 80233) 16. (Arrive 8-25 9:00 pm) Budget-Denver International Airport
| Denver- Yellowstone- gland canyon Travel 发表自 游客 于 2007-06-01 18:57:30 Denver- Yellowstone- gland canyon Travel Plans: 1. (Dep. 8-14 11:30 AM) Budget-Denver International Airport 24050 E 78th Ave, Denver, CO 80249 2. (Arrive 8-14 12:00AM) Costco Denver 5195 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada, CO 80002 (Dep. 8-14 1:00 PM) 3. (Arrive 8-14 6:40 PM) Arches national Park • Drive to the Windows Section and see some of the park's largest arches. (Add one-half hour to stroll beneath either North Window or Double Arch.). • Alternatively, drive to the Delicate Arch Viewpoint and see the world's most famous arch, a mile distant. Stop at Wolfe Ranch on your way back and imagine what it would have been like to homestead this relatively barren area in the late 1800s. • If you have 3 hours Do both of the above! • If you have 4.5 hours Drive all of the paved park roads, spending ten minutes at each viewpoint, and be sure to visit the Windows Section, Wolfe Ranch and the Delicate Arch Viewpoint. From the visitor center, the highway climbs several switchbacks while presenting views of Moab Canyon and adjacent cliffs. Major points of interest along the first half of the road include Park Avenue (Late Afternoon) and Balanced Rock. From Balanced Rock, a paved road leads to the Windows Section of the Park. This area features the Cove of Caves, Parade of Elephants, Turret Arch (Early Morning), the North and South Window Arches, and the fabulous Double Arch. While the arches are visible from the road, they are best viewed from the short walking trails leading from the parking areas. Beyond Balanced Rock, the main park road continues to the road leading to the Delicate Arch trailhead and historic Wolfe Ranch. From the Delicate Arch turnoff, the Park road travels past Fiery Furnace and Skyline Arch to end at the Devils Garden trailhead. Landscape Arch, an incredibly long and slender span, is an easy 1 mile stroll from the trailhead. Early Morning Late Afternoon Moab Fault Park Avenue The Three Gossips Courthouse Towers Sheep Rock Petrified Dunes The Great Wall Balanced Rock Turret Arch The Garden of Eden The Spectacles North and South Windows Double Arch Delicate Arch Cache Valley Fiery Furnace Wolfe Ranch Skyline Arch Landscape Arch Fins in Devils Garden Double O Arch Tower Arch First day is very important try to go to Denver as early as possible, and take a little time to get food and water. 4. (Arrive 8-14 12:30 PM) Apache Motel 166 S 400 E, Moab, UT 84532 (go to sleep) (Dep. 8-15 7:30 AM). This motel is good even with 2 family. 5. Grand Canyon south • (Arrive 8-15 4:30 PM) First stop will be Desert View (Get the info of sunset and sunrise, time and place to see!!!) • Tusayan Ruin and Museum (10 minutes) • Lipan Point - Excellent view of the Unkar Creek area • Grandview Point - Excellent view of Horseshoe Mesa • Mather Point • Yavapai Observation Station set right on the rim of the canyon, and a good place for a panoramic view or to watch a sunset. ((For the total Canyon experience leave your car at Yavapai Point. If car can be park? if yes, see sunset; if not go to Yavapai lodge then go to Yavapai Point by shuttle or walk). • (Arrive 8-15 8:30 PM) Spend the night in Yavapai lodge. (Pick up Walking Tour Brochure and other information at any lodge transportation desk) (Dep 8-16 5:30 AM) • (Arrive 8-16 6:30 AM) shuttle to Yaki Point - Excellent views of the whole Canyon in general, especially Cedar Ridge and the South Kaibab Trail and Zoroaster Temple. This is a great place to watch sunrise. • Get breakfast (around 10:30AM?), Tour the Visitor Center at Canyon View Information Plaza (take the shuttle or walk), or Mather Point, if there was not enough time to see it yesterday. • Check out and drive to Maswik Lodge. • Take Hermits Rest motorcoach tour (3 hrs). It's 8 miles from Grand Canyon Village to Hermit's Rest, named for hermit Louis Boucher who lived nearby for 21 years. You can hike or take the shuttle. Along the way, there are many excellent. At the end of the road you will find restrooms, a gift shop and drinking water. Be sure to stop at Hopi House, an unusual building designed after structures in a Hopi village that now displays and sells Native American arts and crafts, and at Lookout Studio and Kolb Studio. o Hopi House, El Tovar Hotel, bright angel lodge, Lookout Studio and Kolb Studio. •(Pick up a souvenir poster and get helpful advice from the rangers. Ranger-led programs and hikes are a highly recommended way to get the most of your canyon visit) o The Inner Canyon From the Bright Angel (option: begin before 12:00, go back before 2:00) o Maricopa Point - Good views of Bright Angel Canyon. o Powell Point has a memorial to river runner John Wesley Powell and a view of Orphan Mine o Hopi Point - Great views of various temples and buttes in the canyon o Pima viewpoints o The Abyss - Good place to see some very steep walls (the Great Mojave, Tonto Platform). o Mohave Point - Great spot to watch sunrise/sunset. (Final to this place to see sunset, attention to time!!!) • Go back to Maswik Lodge till tomorrow. (Dep 8-17 7:30 AM) 6. North Rim Sights The extraordinary beauty of the Grand Canyon stirred poetic expression in the Paiutes, who called the North Rim plateau Kaibab, or "Mountain Lying Down." They also named other plateaus of the North Rim: Kanab, meaning "Willow," Uinkaret, or "Place of Pines" and Shivwits, meaning "Whitish Earth" or "Coyote Springs." The four plateaus run along the North Rim offering a breathtaking array of sights, a range of geologic features and miles of rugged territory to explore. • Vista Encantadora overlook, for another impressive view of the Painted Desert to the east. • Walhalla Overlook (Just before reaching Cape Royal) for a good view of the Unkar Creek area below and to visit the Anasazi ruins located nearby. • (Arrive 8-17 3:00 pM) Cape Royal: half-mile trail to view the Angel's Window, which provides stunning vistas of the canyon and the Colorado River, and then proceed to the tip of Cape Royal. Cliff Springs Trail to Cliff Spring and back, a 2 mile round-trip with Anasazi indians’s granary. • (Arrive 8-17 4:30 pM) Point Imperial, 11 miles from Grand Canyon Lodge, is the highest point on either rim. See Mount Hayden, Saddle Mountain and a beautiful view of eastern Grand Canyon National Park. • (Arrive 8-17 5:10 pM) Bright Angel Point (See sunset here): 0.5 mile trail out from Grand Canyon Lodge. Try Transept Trail. veranda of the Grand Canyon Lodge is a nice place to simply sit back and relax and an awesome spot from which to watch sunrise or sunset. • To Kaibab Lodge till tomorrow (Dep 8-18 8:00 AM) 7. Zion NP (Arrive 8-18 11:00 AM) • Zion Narrows: BOTTOM-UP. The best way for first-time river hikers and those with only a short time in the Park. You can hike in as far you would like and turn back at any time. From the parking lot, it is usually only 2-3 hours into the section of Narrows known as Wall Street. Return hikers find it takes 2/3 the time to hike back as it did to hike in. Average hikers travel 3-4 miles up canyon and then 3-4 miles back. Bottom-Up hikers are only permitted to hike as far North as Big Springs. Accessible almost all year. Starting point is the Temple of Sinawava. A 45 minute shuttle ride from the Visitor Center needs to be expected April through October. • Zion Park Scenic Byway (U-9): (Dep 8-18 4:20 pM) from visit center, just passed tunnel will find Canyon Overlook Trail; Checkerboard Mesa (in the right when left park), East Entrance 8. Highway 12 All American Road and Red Canyon • Drive from Zion to Bryce Canyon NP, you will pass Red Canyon. It's just some miles before BC NP entrance. Not really a park, just the typical RED rock. Make sure, you arrive or pass this Canyon at approx. 1-2 hours before sunset - the colors are incredible! 9. Bryce Canyon • (Arrive 8-18 6:40 pM) to see sunset • After have a rest in lodge, Special activities unique to Bryce Canyon include "star talks" during the new moon and moonlight walks when the moon is full. • Go back to Bryce Canyon Lodge till tomorrow (inquire time for sunrise) • (Dep 8-19 morning ) Rim Trail 1 mi 15-20 min Easy Sunset and Sunrise Points; Navajo Loop 1.3 mi 15-30 min Moderate Rock formations/hoodoos • The Dancing Tree: The exposed roots tell the story of the eroding canyon, always in the process of being created. The tree sits overlooking the main amphitheater at Bryce. • Thor's Hammer: Thor's Hammer is viewed right along the trail that goes down into the main amphitheater. The large rock formations look like they are people, frozen in time. • Main Amphitheater at Bryce: Overlooking the main amphitheater is Thor's Hammer and the rest of the wonderful formations. Bryce is a fun place because you feel like you are part of the canyon. • Antelope: On the flats just before getting to Bryce, I often see herds of Antelope. These animals are quick and shy, so I always find it a treat when I see them. • Historic Panguitch 10. South Salt Lake • (Arrive 8-19 5:00 pM) Costco (S300W) • (Arrive 8-19 6:10 pM) Chinese Restaurant (2 hours) Chinese restrautn is cheap but difficult to find. • (Arrive 8-19 8:10 pM) 50 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84103 (1 hour) • Homestead Studio Suites Salt Lake 1220 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84106 sleep. This studio is very good with everything you need to make dinner. 10. Yellow Stone • (Arrive 8-20 2:15 PM) City Center Motel (30 minutes) • (Arrive 8-20 3:50 PM) Mammoth Hot Springs (3 hours) o drive to the one way, Upper Terrace Drive stop at the Main Terrace Overlook and take the trail on the far right to Canary Spring o Walk low Terrace • If have time to North Entrance (Yellowstone) (15 minutes) • Go back to City Center Motel to have a rest. • (Arrive 8-21 9:50 AM) Lower Geyser Basin begin Fountain Paint Pot Trail (1hr) • MIDWAY GEYSER BASIN • BLACK SAND BASIN • (Arrive 8-21 11:30 AM) Old Faithful and The Upper Geyser Basin (More seat, more popular) o Go to Old Faithful Visitor Center to get schedule. Note: An interpretive pamphlet about the Upper Geyser Basin may be borrowed and returned to the trailhead at no charge o Walk to the bench near Plume geyser on Geyser Hill to see Doublet Pool and Old Faithful. If there are no people walking on the boardwalk, sit on the bench in front of the pool and you may feel thumping as steam bubbles collapse deep in the pool. o Beauty and Chromatic pools o Giant Geyser o Grand geyser o moon morning pool o OLD FAITHFUL INN • Bridge Bay Amphitheater (30min) • Around 8-21 5:30 PM Drive to West Thumb to see sunset • Go back to City Center Motel to have a rest. • (Arrive 8-22 9:00 AM)NORRIS GEYSER BASIN It is the hottest thermal area in the park. Take Porcelain Terrace overlook trail. To get to this trail go through the museum, start down the hill and take the loop trail to the right. Take Back Basin trail. Cistern spring and the other pools and geysers are well worth seeing. • (Arrive 8-22 10:00 AM) Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone Clear Lake/Lily Pad Lake Loop: 5 to 6 miles round trip The trail is shown on the Grand Canyon Pamphlet available at Visitor Center. starting points for this loop trail is located on the south side of the canyon along the South Rim Drive. I recommend taking the loop in the counter-clockwise direction. It starts at the trailhead just across the road from the parking area for Uncle Tom's Trail, then follow Clear Lake trail to Clear Lake, past some interesting mudpots and then to a junction that leads past Lily Pad lake and onto the South Rim Trail. Once the South Rim Trail is reached, just follow it up stream until you reach your car. Along the way you will see the most spectacular portion of the canyon, including the Lower Falls. Must-see lookout is at Artist Point • Tower Fall (1 hour) • If have time go to Lamar Valley • Go to Roosevelt Lodge sleep (Dep 8-23 8:00 AM) • Fishing Bridge Visitor Center (1 hour) 11. Grand Teton National Park • (Arrive 8-23 10:00 AM) Colter Bay Village and Visitor Center • Willow Flats Stop at the Willow Flats Turnout, for a view of an extensive freshwater marsh that provides excellent habitat for birds, beavers and moose. Jackson Lake and the Teton Range form the backdrop. (Jackson Lake Lodge: Lunchtree Hill 0.5mile/ 0.5h, Easy. Short trail with interpretive signs leads to the top of hill overlooking Willow Flats and Teton Range) • Drive to the Oxbow Bend Scenic Overlook, provides a classic view of Mount Moran • Stop at Jackson Lake Dam • Chapel of the Sacred Heart, Signal Mountain Lodge • Jackson Point overlook on Signal Mountain is the most impressive highlight, with its panaromic views of the Teton Range, Jackson Lake, and Jackson Hole's glaciated landscape, the Snake River drainage, and the Pitchstone Plateau. • Stop at Cathedral Group Turnout. • Stop at Teton Glacier Turnout for a close-in view of the three Tetons. From north to south, in the right is Grand Teton (the highest point in the range); Middle and South Tetons. • Menor's Ferry and the Chapel of the Transfiguration - The Menor's Ferry Trail, less than 1/2-mile long, affords a look at homesteading and pioneer life in Jackson Hole. Bill Menor's cabin and view a replica of the ferry that crossed the Snake River at the turn of the century. The altar window of the Chapel of theTransfiguration frames the tallest Teton peaks. • (Arrive 8-23 3:10 pm.) Jackson town(1 hour) elk antler arches, the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar, Jackson Drug and its old-time soda fountain, the Wort Hotel and its Silver Dollar Bar • (Arrive 8-23 5:40 pm.) Teton Court Motel (123 East Magnolia Street Pinedale, Wyoming 82941 T: 307 367-4317; Or 877 841-4099; Confirmation Number: 1579 (This motel is not good, try to find another. We have ordered ahead of 2months. When we arrived there, they told that they have changed our room from a big one to a small one and the same price. We refuse this change. We can not find room in this town, and then have to go to next town. This town’s motel is expensive, it’s better to stay in Jackson town and start early morning tomorrow, or go to next town) o View Lakeside Lodge Resort & Marina (99 Fremont Lake Pinedale, WY 82941) 12. (Arrive 8-24 1:02 pm) Dinosaur National Monument (2 hours) 13. (Arrive 8-24 6:00 pm) Craig Motel (894 Yampa Avenue Craig, CO 81625 Tel: 970 824-4491 Confirmation Number: 50167) (Inquire about how long does it take to Denvor, if we pass Rocky Mountain National Park) 14. (Arrive 8-25 11:00 AM) Rocky Mountain National Park (4 hours) 15. (Arrive 8-25 7:00 pm) Ho King Chinese Restaurant (8919 Washington St Denver, CO 80229) Golden Gate (11932 Washington St Denver, CO 80233) 16. (Arrive 8-25 9:00 pm) Budget-Denver International Airport
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