Vancity Buzz发布了一组温哥华著名地标及经典的现在与过去的照片大对比。不仅仅是风景秀丽、风光旖旎,不仅仅是多元文化、和谐并举,温哥华成为世界最令人向往的城市、最接近天堂的人间,自有她难以言述的自由、可爱、包容和魅力。

Christ Church Cathedral on Burrard and Georgia

The Art Gallery, a few years after completion

This Methodist Church was once adjacent to Christ Church Cathedral, on the southwest corner of Burrard and Georgia

Granville Street at night

Mounted officers lead a parade down Georgia Street

The Burrard and Georgia crosswalk

The Catholic Holy Rosary Cathedral on Richards and Dunsmuir just after its completion

Richards and Pender

A battalion of soldiers marching west on Georgia, near Thurlow Street
You can see Hotel Vancouver on the right hand side

A row of houses on Burrard between Robson and Georgia

Military parade going west down Georgia, celebrating Vancouver’s Diamond Jubilee (60th birthday)

The original Hudson’s Bay Company building on Granville and Georgia

Workers replace streetcar tracks on Granville Street

Streetcar workers looking north from Nelson Street

More streetcar tracks on Granville

Looking north down Granville

Looking north towards the water and mountains down Granville on Georgia

The northwest corner of Granville and Georgia

Houses facing onto Georgia Street

The intersection of Cordova, Richards and Water four weeks after the Great Fire of Vancouver in 1886

KITSILANO:Enjoying the sun on Kits Beach

Back when Kits Beach was known as Greer’s Beach

Kits Beach after being filled in to make it larger

People sunbathing on the Kitsilano Beach Reserve

Sailboats as seen from the Kitsilano Yacht Club at the foot of Balsam

Sunbathers at popular Kits Beach

Canadian troops storm Kits Beach

Practicing for D-Day

Bren Gun Carriers disembarking from a Landing Craft Mechanized at Kits Beach

Yaletown as seen from Charlton Park in Fairview

Yaletown from Charlton Park
You can see Stanley Park on the left over the hill

False Creek looking east from the Burrard Street Bridge

NORTH SHORE:Lower Lonsdale’s first few days

Lining up for the ferry along Lonsdale

Another view of the long ferry lineup up Lonsdale

Hamilton Bank in the early days

Two kids playing on the beach at Ambleside

Before the Lions Gate Bridge, there was the Ambleside Ferry
This is the ferry terminal building, now a museum and art gallery

Enjoying the view of the Coast Mountains from Ambleside Pier

Docking a ferry at the Ambleside pier

Looking up towards the Coast Mountains from the foot of West Vancouver’s 17th Avenue

People flock to watch a cruise ship leaving for Alaska

The tennis courts at John Lawson Park

In 1949, the Capilano Bridge was washed out and the Dundarave Pier was temporarily pressed into service

Garthorne Grocery, later Capers Market, now Shoppers Drug Mart

The Conservative Hall, or Dundarave Hall, now a restaurant

Dundarave Pier, the year it was built
The Mawes Hotel on the left, now the Beach House Restaurant

Another view from Dundarave Pier

Marine Drive from 24th Street

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