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匹特湖公园(Grant Narrows Regional Park) 打印

Grant Narrows Regional Park位于Maple Ridge,拥有风光迷人的匹特湖 Pitt Lake,公园就位于Pitt Lake 的出口处。Pitt Lake全长24公里,是北美最大的淡水潮汐湖。湖面狭长,清澈纯净,如长长的玉带横亘在群山之中,风景非常美丽。

 沿着公园内长长的大堤漫步,可以看到分布在大堤两边大片的沼泽地保护区。这片沼泽地称作“Pitt-Addington Marsh Wildlife Management Area”,是在当地生态环保人士的共同努力下才得以保存的。大堤上有木制的塔楼可方便游人登高赏湖与观鸟。公园也是有名的鸟类保护区,一年四季都可观赏到多种鸟类,春夏季常见林莺(warbler)、鹪鹩(wren)与啄木鸟 (woodpecker)等,秋冬季则常见白头雕(Bald Eagle)、大蓝鹭(Heron)与鱼鹰(Osprey)等。

 Pitt Lake风平浪静,因而是划独木舟的好地方,公园内的船坞春夏都有船只可供租用。随着独木舟划过静静的湖面驶向湖区深处,除四周层峦叠嶂的群山外,还可欣赏到崎岖的悬崖峭壁,成片的芦苇丛与沼泽地,绿荫覆盖的无人小岛,以及多种野生鸟类与动植物。伴随着阵阵清脆的鸟鸣,那赏心悦目,如水彩画般秀丽迷人的湖光山色,可谓泛舟Pitt Lake最吸引人之处。


 Pitt Lake对面的山上还有Widgeon Falls瀑布,需要先横穿Pitt Lake到对岸,然后再Hiking六公里左右才可到达。瀑布水流充沛,景色比较壮观,具体可参考游记:碧水任我游—Widgeon Falls铁人两项游


路线:由Lougheed Highway接Pitt Meadow Dewdney Trunk Rd,转Neaves Rd直行,随后路名变为Rennie Road,Grant Narrows就在Rennie Road的尽头。




发表自 guiqing 于 2005-08-15 12:34:14
I want go to there.but I don't know where? How to get there?
发表自 游客 于 2005-08-15 23:16:41
这个公园在Maple Ridge,在文章的最下面有非常详细的路线
发表自 游客 于 2007-08-06 12:03:59
发表自 游客 于 2008-07-18 16:52:00
In Pitt Meadows, turn north off Hwy 7 at the Harris Road stoplights east of the Pitt River Bridge where a large sign points to Pitt Lake. Harris Road meanders north, then east. Turn north again at Neeves Road. Once across a narrow bridge over the Alouette River, the road becomes rougher and its name changes from Neeves to Rennie. Deep ditches line each side of the road as mountains begin to rise before you. You are now in Pitt Polder, travelling beside the broad Pitt River north towards Pitt Lake. Grant Narrows Park lies at the end of the road. Although Grant Narrows is a pocket-sized park, it serves as the gateway to several adjacent wilderness areas, such as the Pitt-Addington Marsh Wildlife Management Area. By far the most popular feature in the park is the boat launch. There is a charge for trailer-mounted boats; car-top boats launch for free. The Greater Vancouver Regional District has set aside a large area of the marsh at the mouth of Widgeon Creek, where it flows into the Pitt River, as a wildlife reserve. The GVRD offers seasonal nature programs that involve paddling in the Widgeon Marsh Reserve.  


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